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Carolyn's Self Help Guides to Stress Management

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Sanctuary for the Soul Books

Volume 1

A Handbooks for Effective Stress Management

This comprehensive book is a guide to living a life filled with awe, connection, bliss and wholesomeness. Through deepening your self-awareness, searching your heart and enriching your soul, you will find a way to live your life without dis-stress and dis-ease, but with an intangible sense of peace deep within. This book will reconnect you to the magical healing light of divine love within your soul, dissolving any darkness by shedding a ray of light and hope in your heart. The practical exercises serve as healing tools in times of distress or despair, enabling you to bring your focus back to center, hence reconnecting with your soul. Use this handbook as a self-help journey on your own healing path or in your practice as a physical or mental health practitioner. It can serve as a reference guide for yourself and others to learn more about holistic healing modalities. Use it in individual or group settings as an educational tool for relaxation and stress management.

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Volume 2

A Holistic Approach to Health and Healing

The holistic approach to health care treats the "whole" person when they are feeling "dis-eased." It looks at the cause and not just the symptoms. To treat someone holistically means to treat their mind, body and spirit. Treatment of symptoms is not enough. Eliminating the cause of illness is what is vital. Treatment should not be viewed as working on a specific part of the body alone. This book is an overview of many modalities including mandalas, art, music, guided imagery, body reading, auras, chakras, touch, massage, reflexology, aromatherapy and Shiatsu as part of a holistic approach to health and healing. Any avenues that open and enhance the body’s natural senses are beneficial in the healing world because by enhancing the senses, you bring a feeling of life and awareness into your life.

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Sanctuary for the Soul CDs

CD 1
Melting Marshmallow Meditation

This free flowing meditation can be used in conjunction with healing body work or on its own as a relaxation tool. The inclusion of touch in a safe environment can deepen your awareness and add many benefits to the meditation itself. Try to allow the still, small voice to surface, and ask for healing guidance for any physical, emotional, or spiritual concerns you may have in your life such as loss, divorce, bereavement, a broken heart, degenerative illness, finding a new direction in life, or ways to deepen your spiritual practice.

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CD 2
Yogic Movement

Yogic movement is the foundation of gentle exercise. The exercises include slow, conscious movement with an awareness of your bodily tension guiding you through relevant stretching exercises with your breath in order to release any physical tension. One main value of Yogic Movement is its ability to enhance your awareness of bodily tension and offer solutions through direct experience on how to dispel it. You can use these exercises 2 or 3 times a week or whenever you are aware of physical tension in your body.

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CD 3
Autogenic Relaxation

In autogenic training, the aim is to induce specific physical sensations that are associated with the relaxation response. By introducing one factor of the relaxation response, you can break the chain of physiological reactions that take place during the course of the stress response. Warmth and heaviness are two common words used in the exercises. Warmth is your perception of increased flow through the body unlike in the stress response where the circulation can be constricted. Heaviness is your perception of the skeletal muscles relaxing, unlike the stress response when muscles contract.

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CD 4

Visualization is the use of positive suggestion though visual imagery to change a mental and or a psychological state. The body actually responds to images as if they were real. Visualization can be used to assist in relaxation, to seek inner guidance, as a method of deep contemplation, to assist in altering destructive habits or can simply help maintain your good health.

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CD 5
Progressive Relaxation

Progressive relaxation involves moving through a variety of exercises involving various parts of the body and the mind. The relaxation exercises progress throughout the whole body, relaxing each body part one at a time, hence its name "progressive relaxation."

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CD 6
Abbreviated Active Progressive

These exercises can be practiced when you are aware of muscular tension in your body. They are an abbreviated form of Active Progressive relaxation and should take no longer than 10 - 15 minutes. Practice these when feeling anxious about a particular situation or if you need some help getting to sleep.

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CD 7
Passive Progressive Relaxation

This relaxation exercise involves counting and breath awareness along with focusing on different parts of the body for the purpose of deep relaxation. Counting provides a rhythm for the exercise and provides the suggestion for relaxation to deepen during the course of the count down. Counting back up from 1 to 10 raises the conscious awareness again and brings about a post-relaxation grounding effect while still maintaining the feelings of deep relaxation.

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Purchase Books & CDs

Books Volume 1 & 2 and all 7 CDs
Package Price


Book Volume 1 & all 7 CDs


Book Volume 2
No DCs they are all exercises from book one


All 7 CDs
No Book


CD 1
Melting Marshmallow Meditation


CD 2
Yogic Movement


CD 3
Autogenic Relaxation


CD 4


CD 5
Progressive Relaxation


CD 6
Abbreviated Active Progressive


CD 7
Passive Progressive Relaxation


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